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Hello, you can call me MangoMux or mux for short. This site is supposed to be an archive for all my drawings, and of course just a place where I can do whatever I want, like share my interests and or hobbies. I'm still a complete newbie when it comes to coding and making websites, but I hope you'll enjoy my site as much as I do.

Things I like

drawing, no AI "art"!!! | video games | anime

My goals

making a website

drawing more

learning how to code :3

My socials, if you follow me please write me so I can follow back :p

social media: Twitter | Deviantart | Youtube

games: osu! | Steam | Backloggd

anime | movies: Anilist | Letterboxd

website related: art archive | changelog

posts archive

[May 7th 2024] my printer is stupid!!!

Why is my printer so stupid. I wanted to print some pictures for school and stuff and I removed the white background to make them transparent and my printer just thought it would be a good idea to make the transparent parts completely black.

[May 4th 2024] drawing with acrylics

I got acrylic paint for my birthday this month and it's really fun to draw things with it.

I've made two small A5 drawings so far, both of which I'm quite happy with. They are both in my art archive, if you are interested :p.

[May 3rd 2024] my pretty, pretty website

After not being satisfied with the way I was handling my blog or post entries, I changed them to make them easier to read and access.

I wanted to be able to easily access my post from my home page, and luckily remblanc had already made their website exactly the way I wanted mine to look. So I just tried to make mine look like theirs. It turned out pretty cool, if I do say so myself, and with a little polishing and css it will be at least 100 times better than before.

Established: 26.02.2024
Last update: 16.05.2024

Here are some very cool websites that you can check out, you can also link my button!

dimdendev remblanc melankorin

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